
It’s 7.13 pm here.
It was about 20 minutes ago when I had to walk through heavy rain from train station. Well, I’m ok, since I got my velvet bicycle jacket. It covered me from water very well. Alhamdulillah.

Today, I just came to office in the morning before slipping to meet client in Menara Hijau. Hey, I want to make sure I still can use my psychological skill, right? Working with statutes and arrogance bosses will drive me crazy eventually. lol
Still, I had nervous attack this morning. It’s been a while since I interviewed anyone and I was completely blank on the way to my client’s.
I DIDN’T BRING MAC BOOK BACAUSE I thought I won’t need it, but I was wrong. The job requires immediate record. Ugh. This is the first time I left him home and apparently I needed him. What a bad experience. Not to mention my longing for him. It’s so weird having him not around. haha
However, the decision fruited well in the end. I got home by train at twilight. Suddenly, there was heavy rain with rough wind. I’m grateful that I didn’t haven Ringo chan with me. It would be scary to have him through this bad weather.

There’s always bad and good side from every decision. To be able to pull the positive side of the tale is what makes us enthusiastic for the future.