I like them and that's what matters
I was the one who suggested it last two weeks. I hoped we can go on dinner together on the first week of Ramadhan, because when you do it after second phase (the second 10 days of Ramadhan), it would be hard for me to attend. I'd love to get home early so I can go to masjid and spend more time there.
But, the one I asked didn't think that way. I lost appetite. lol. I don't usually go on Ramadhan's dinner often, only with fellowship of Bus No.1. You see, I treat them really really special. When a boss invited me for an open fasting dinner as celebration for our finished work, I declined. Simply because I don't want to tire myself. I don't like spending time and energy outside. There's also a senior invited me to dinner yesterday. I never sway or hesitate to say "no".
However, when it comes to Bus No.1 members, I'm trying my best to join. Although we only spend time during going and coming home trip, I feel that they're nice people. I don't care if they don't think so, I like them. And that's what matter.
So, we went to Batagor something this afternoon. Not the whole crew, just few people I usually go eat with. It was only 16.40 and we have to wait for more than 1 hour before dinner. haha. Thanks to our early work hour, we get home faster than last year. Remember when we always had dinner in the bus because it's already Magrib when we reached Depok? That's horrible, but also sweet. We got to have dinner together everyday. XD
This Batagor restaurant is big and I never visited this before even though it's so close to my flat. There are few stands and each provide different meal, but they have collaborative menu. So, you can have food from other stands, but taking a stand's table. I guess we asked various food and the batagor is exceptional. The other foods are not bad, but nothing's special. We talked a lot, especially planning the bus' dinner. I hope most people can attend that. It'd be fun to talk together because we hardly talk. We mostly spend our time sleeping in the bus. I know, we're all tired. That's why this kind of gathering is nice.