It's been more than a year since I came home. Visiting my parents' house is not exciting since I can always invite them to my place. They're already retired so they have lots time to travel. On the other hand, I need to prepare things seriously: taking annual leave, making sure the house is safe, making extra care for the plants I left. So, I can't go for a long time.

I finally took a weekend trip home last week. We celebrated Idul Adha holiday at home. Nothing is extravagant because we don't like party, but being surrounded by my mom's cooking is the best. I used to come home for my friends. But, they're married and occupied with their little ones. I guess people just have new priorities during the time. I hesitated to call because I really hate rejection. I mean, who loves being rejected? Unless you're a masochist, of course. I hate listening to excuses, as I'm trying to live without excuses now. But, it's not thta I don't care. I still like them, I just feel like we can't hang out like we used to be: free enough to talk without thinking about time. It seems to me that taste of my friendship doesn't change from time to time, but the way I express love is different now. Instead of meeting them in person, hearing their voices is enough. Knowing they're okay is great. When they ask question, I feel like they do really care. They don't talk about, " how's your work? Are you planning to get married?" or shits like that. My friend who called me last Sunday asked, "are you still having running nose?" No stranger could ask something like that, right? After the call I sat for a while, thinking how lucky I am to have people who skip the sweet talks and really want to know about me. Very much lucky.

It's raining every day, casting the smoke of forest fire away. My island has been suffering from thick smoke due to forest burning. It happens every year, yet nobody repent. Thanks to the rain, my flight operated savely, unlike the neighbor province's flight which has been delayed 3 times due to bad weather.

The main event in Idul Adha is where you buy cow or goat, then give the meat to people around you, especially the poor ones. It's like a treat. This way everyone can enjoy delicious meat at home. My hometown is widely known for meat cuisine called "Rendang". I guess everyone cook rendang for the weekend. lol. And also every kind of meaty food. That's why it's hard to find martabak mesir (another delicious meaty cuisine here) last weekend. *sobs. Even though, I desired it for so long....* But, I still had chance to have Padang's satay. hummmm, yummy