Good afternoon *\(^o^)/*
How's your weekend so far? I'm having 5 o'clock menu now while waiting for the rain. It's really gloomy outside.

I had lots of emotions yesterday. I finished Taste of Love and the last episode drained my tears. Well, they do have to make up those boring episodes from 11 to 14, right? Everything is so beautiful in the last episode. I should've went out at 8.30, but end up watching until 9.15. I broke my own words and I feel guilty.

It's the time I'm really grateful that I live alone and often go out alone. I don't have to feel sorry for being late to appointment. Unable to be punctual for A blood type is unbearable.  I eventually went out and had my laundry yesterday. Also visited Food Hall just to find they have limited discounts for Kopiko 98ยบ. Yay!

I started watching Asa Ga Kita last night. I know I said I don't want to see Haru. I'm still uneasy watching her. But, the story is so good. The first week made laugh and cry. I'm reminded that woman is second class citizen who was not allowed to get education. I sobbed when Asa's mother says woman can't think about difficult things.
Watching Asa ga Kita is like reading one of Waki Yamato's manga. My kind of story where the female lead is so strong that she breaks any rules made to stop woman to shine. However, history is always works in circle. Women couldn't work outside the house because of men's discrimination. It happens again today. There are women who're actually want to get career, but end up at home because various of things.  People's nowdays don't live with their big family. Thus they can't take care of their main family if they're working all day. Leaving kids with the maid is dangerous because some are just not as devoted as the old people. or they're just not the maid you treat like family. In that conditions, it's women who are demanded to look for the house.

Well, we're living in a dangerous era. You have to take care of your family, right? I just hope that everyone is having a satisfying life, whether they chase a career or devoting to husband/kids. What is life if you don't enjoy it?