Bikun Salvage
Next to The Water Tower, near The Balairung, there's a place hidden from many eyes. It's where they put old Bikun. Bikun stands for Bis Kuning (The Yellow bus), the common term using in University of Indonesia.

The new busses make changes. They drive more often so we don't have to wait long in the Bus Stop. They even have a bus schedule at the stop. Amazing! *I didn't get the chance to enjoy it, then*
I pass Bus no.18 today. It had its peak moment. At my time, it was the most popular bus, because it's spacious and the driver loved playing funky music. Now, it's standing her, dirty. So sad.
So, what about these busses in the salvage. They're old and rusty, but if they're kept like this, they'll become rotten easily. I think Mr. Goemilar should make a proper place for them, or even put them in a museum, UI MUSEUM !