Stabbed! My fellow passenger said that to other passenger when we were about to visit two friends who’re hospitalized for almost a week. And it stabbed me right to the heart. She was right and she motivated me.
It was a cloudy afternoon and the premonition of traffic jam is clear. It’s Friday. There were not many people agreed to come along. Most had already have appointment or just didn’t want to get caught in trouble of going home. So, there were only 7 people joint that humanitarian visit.

I’m quite agreeing with what she said. I know people have a lot of affairs to do and sometimes visits sick friends are not in the agenda. It’s not easy to stick with unfortunate friends. Just like Oprah said, “There are a lot of people who want to go with you in your limo, but few who’d walk with you when the limo is out service”.
I may not be the right person to tell you what’s right. I don’t like coming to wedding party, but I try my best to accompany those in sickness. Is it because I don’t want to be alone when I was sick? I don’t think so. I was hospitalized before for Blood Fever Dengue and I didn’t tell my friends simply because I don’t want them to get worried. I know for some point I made them less V.I.P in my life, but I believed they’re also busy with their life. Why bothered them since I was fine by myself.

Even so, I know there are a lot of people out there who could use sympathy to get better. That’s why we should pay them visit. They could use our prayers and empathy to work hard. People are weak, y’know. Some people may not reveal the weaknesses, but we’re just human. We need love as much as we need to give love.