We passed the cafe few times and finally decide to visit it on Friday night. The place is crowded with people and accessories. Movie posters are everywhere, but instead of showing the original show, they modified and personalized them to be "3 tjeret" poster. So, you can see James Bond's picture with title "003 tjeret" on it. lol. They also cover cafe's wall with various old newspaper's articles. Gossip article, of course, telling about artists in 80's. XD

This cafe consists of two stories to cope over flooding hungry people. The furnitures are nothing extraordinary. They just put some shabby picnic tables and chairs. And some bolts surrounded with used plastic glasses hanging on roof, giving the place comfortable lighting.
The system is quite different than other cafe. You need to take queue along the banquet and pick your dishes. 3 Tjeret provide local cuisine in small portion rice. So, it's good to come here at night, so you won't have guilty pleasure. But, of course one can take 3 portions of rice if he's super hungry. XD.
Next to the rice portions are various 'lauk', from beef meat to seafood, from tempe to banana. Unfortunately they don't offer green vegetable and fruits. 

Once you get all food you want, just head to cashier to pay. The cashier will pass your food to people in the kitchen to grill it. Here's also the place you can order drink. I took their signature drink, Wedang Tiga Tjeret which can be served for 3 people. Don't forget to mention the number of your table to the cashier, so they won't lost delivering your food later.
After paying the meal, I wait on our table while listening to the live musing. My friend chose the table upstair. Thus when we saw the night under cafe's light, it gives romantic feeling.

3 tjeret is located on Jl. Ronggowarsito no. 97, NgarsopuroSolo 57131Indonesia. It opens everyday from 11 am. Also check their twitter @CafeTigaTjeret