And we're still die all alone
It's 6.25 and the masjid is full of people with various color. MLN is next to masjid and we had been listening to Takbir since yesterday. I love it when I woke up on midnight and they're still shouting Takbir. It feels so good.
Even if I came earlier than last year (6.10 am), the crowds has taken place and I I could only get a spot at the edge of the masjid park. Well, it's much better than being on the road. The Khatib is good, he speaks with clear voice. After two rakaat, the crowds start going chaos. It's all because of the kids. Moms bring kid even though they know these little ones would mess around.
I'd like to take view on their choices. They surely want to participate in twice-a-year ritual, but they can't leave their children at home. So, the choices are their sake or other people's. On the other hand, they want to teach the kids on how praying in the Ied. Unfortunatelly, they have lack of knowledge to do so.
How can I say that?
After the two rakaat, they children start panic and the Moms can't help but mending them. I think they forget that they should not talk because khotbah is also part of the ritual. It's should be treated as another two rakaat. Do people talk during Salat? Not as I know. It seems like these parents don't know that or they just have no idea how to calm their children without giving attention.
I'm definitely not children expert, but one thing for sure: they are kings. Children rely on you to be strong for them. They imitate your acts. They do things you showed. Todays parents are soft to children because they think it's the best way to treat the little ones. But, soft doesn't equal surrender to their selfish actions. Can't you see how todays generation turns soggy and soggier? They have been spoiled too much that they lack the power of resilience. Take the increasing number of suicide, bullying and brawlings as example. The kids can't manage their emotions, as well as their ability to judge in calm mind. Why? You ask? Because they got everything so easy.
My little cousins are this new wave product. They can't take care of their own dishes though they are teenagers already. When I took them for book shopping, they won't take the book by themselves. How rude.
We're all kids and we need to take good lesson from that. Do you think your kid will suffer if you told them to keep silent during Ied Prayer? Do you think you can modified them by granting small reward (like chocolate or ice cream) when they behave in masjid? I think you can. If you're afraid you couldn't, don't bring your noisy kids to masjid, okay? Please.
I'm not recommending reprimand for other mothers/fathers who fail making their kids shut up, as well. Since it means you'll break your Salat and it makes you as bad as the noisy makers. If its possible to sharpen your ears and focus on the preacher's words, then you'll be blessed. Afterall, we're gonna die all alone. Even if you help mending the other parent's kids, it won't make the whole group share the same reward, right? What I'm saying is that this is a competition bigger than school's or office's. It's a competition to get close to Allah. That means stray away those who'll stand on your way, but never strand other people's steps. Fair enough?