Trust doesn't come in an instant, but it breaks in a flash
When I was in college, we had a method of decision making class. It's seriously not an interesting subject and it requires various calculation to come up with a decision. However, I managed to pass the class though I don't usually use the method to make decision.
The hardest part about making decision comes later when you need to proof your commitment. Saying nice things is easy, but managing to make the nice things is the real problem. Sometimes, we just want to make people around us to be happy, thus we come to decision which favored them. But, in reality, when the decision far from our interest, it's just turn into lie.
That's why diet members spend years to create good public image. They also push more and more money to be liked. They turn themselves into political idol, trying to pamper people with smile and "fake" empathy.
However, once they're caught red handed taking people's money, the image ruined. Nobody would believe them and people would whisper, "I thought he was..." or "I was wrong about him..".
The same things happen to our everyday life. Those who can come up with quick decision, but later change it is seriously lame people. I think they have inability to gather confidence of doing things by their own. It seems to me that they lack commonsense and solidarity to other people. I come to realize those people are not the ones we should listen seriously. Take them simple, don't count what they say as truth since their truth changed easily. It's a mess.