Holding a dinner means inviting people to come to your place. As I have my own house now, I come to further comprehension about this. I realize that people I wanted to come to my house is not just anyone, but special people. My house is my sanctuary, you can't let anyone inside, right? Just like Saejima Kouga said, "This is sacred place, only those whom I let into my heart can enter". 

On the other hand, when I was invited by someone I don't feel close to, I'm reluctant to go. Sometimes it's hard to come up with excuse. And people don't like excuse. They want "yes". So, instead of making up something, i just said, "No, I don't go". Deep inside I don't want to visit stranger house. It's her/his territory, I don't feel save in. 
A house is reflection of someone's status. Whether you like it or not, you judge people from what they show you. I 
or probably I'm just thinking too much.