Spring Cleanup
Well, technically there’s no spring in Indonesia, but let’s use the phrase to refer my cleaning session. It seems like yesterday when I trimmed the grass and now it’s look like wild forest in front of my house. So, I decide to call my gardener and let him clean up everything. My parents are coming at the end of this month and I want to get the house looks better for them. haha. Children always seek for parents’ praise, after all.

Even so, I think that having clean front yard is more to please other people than myself. I’d like to have comfortable house, instead of shining glamorous place. That’s why I don’t buy a lot of furniture, as well as electronic devices. All I need is a sofa bed and macbook. My house is empty that I can roll around never done that, though, but it gives a peace of mind after seeing lots of stuffs in the office. It’s easy to clean up, too. Considering I’m not such a good of cleaner, the less stuff is the best.

My gardener replaces some flowers with new plants. But, the old ones are still good, so I got them moved to my back yard. Wasting usable thing is not good.