I make friends with syringe long time ago
The doctor asked, "Are you afraid of injection?"
Today, I'm taking a hepatitis B vaccine. Most people don't really care about taking vaccine, until they got sick. And you'll never know. Here in Indonesia, the infection diseases are as much as non-infections ones. According to epidemiologist, Hepatitis is one of the most common endemic diseases in Indonesia, along with Blood Fever Dengue, Malaria, Rabies, Small pox, Diarrhea, Avian influenza, Leptospirosis, Schistosomiasis, Leprosy, and Tuberculosis.
Health Ministry reported that Indonesia is the second country in South East ASia in number of endemic Hepatitis B. It also expects that 10 out of 100 Indonesian suffer from Hepatitis B or C. Visit Health Ministry page here for more information about Hepatitis in Indonesia (in Bahasa Indonesia).
No. Of course, not. I've been friends with syringe since little. Mami chan said I visited doctor and hospital numbers of time due to my fragile body. I remember I got influenza shot before going to Bukit Tinggi. The cold weather is my allergen. Thus, I have no problem with needle. This is also the reason I love making blood donation.

Health Ministry reported that Indonesia is the second country in South East ASia in number of endemic Hepatitis B. It also expects that 10 out of 100 Indonesian suffer from Hepatitis B or C. Visit Health Ministry page here for more information about Hepatitis in Indonesia (in Bahasa Indonesia).