There are so many things happened weekend. My curtains are all set, my florist table has been delivered and built. My sunflowers bloom. But, the most amazing thing is when the 'eternal 'blackout occurred. 
It was a bright Sunday morning when the electricity went off. Lucky the wind blew harshly, giving cool breeze to me and the guy who built my table. It’s such a cute table, but we’ll talk about it in another post. The blackout ended at 12.30 and I was busy watching Yakou Kanransha until another blackout happened the next hour. This one was much longer than the first. I hadn't  iron my clothes for tomorrow, dirty plates were waiting on the sink, and I was in the middle of laundrying. When it was almost 4, nothing changed. People next door had their lamp on. I can also heard their water pump's noise. Something was obviously wrong there. I tried to check the electric meter and the automatic circuit breaker. I pulled the lever on and off to no response. Gosh, what to do?

I was almost cry thinking that how nice living in my flat right now. Even if anomaly appeared, I can always ask the landlady. But, here I am. All alone. I have none to call. None to ask. Actually, I do have some people in mind, but those people might not the right person to question. You know, my biggest weakness (and probably my strength) is the ability to chew every bitterness to myself, because I'm afraid to bother people with my issue. They might thing my case is nothing. Well, I got that often. When I told people my problem, they just nodded or say, "sou ka?". No constructive response. Hate it. 

When thinking of running to my flat, my uncle called. He had another problem, though. But, I told him what happened and he instructed me to do this and that. However, all the trick didn't solve the problem. Then, he said to ask for security help. If it still didn’t work, contact the technician. I must admit I never thought about it. So, I’m very grateful for him. I was almost explode and said, “This is such troublesome”. And he answered, “It’s life, of course it’s troublesome. Even after we died, we’d have to face trouble.” 


It’s like a shot to my heart and brain. He’s right. Life’s purpose is to conquer obstacle, right? Listening to his wise words makes me relieve. I feel like my burden is taken. 

At that moment, I realize that I’m lucky to have reliable adult telling me what to do. Most adult are not that good. In fact, I build big apathy toward adult. Most adult around me are older but selfish. They give bad example, but always telling people what to do. On top of that, they often label younger ones as rude, while their off-mannered are often questioned. 

I think adult is supposed to be the person who can protect other, or at least that person tries to protect someone (or something). No, I'm not suggesting adult to be kamen rider, although I believe everyone is a hero inside. Adult is like father who protect his family by working hard to make end meets. Adult is like mother who let her kids eat her part of cake. Adult is someone whom you can look up too. Of course, there's no perfect person you can copy his/her entire action. But, when I see someone with outstanding act, that's an adult. For me, the easiest way to protect someone is to do thing that you want people imitate: throw garbage in rubbish bin, crossing the street on the right path, paying enough transportation expense, talking nice, smiling, and other things you want to see from other people. Our behaviors are  connected to others. When you smile, most people will reply that kindness, right (unless the other side has bad sight or toothache, or something like that).

Yeah, being adult is not an easy task.