Indonesia's Central Bureau of Statistics (Badan Pusat Statistik, BPS) released publication of the happiness index 2014. It says that people living in the city is happier than those living in village. It seems like statistically proved that city is a comfortable living environment for happy people. I think it because city provide various sources to create easier life.

The survey also mentions that both married and single people living in city are both happy, although single score slightly higher (68.77) than the married ones (68.74). This may result from the number of life burden. Single doesn't have to think about school fees, sick children, spouse being ignorant, and so on. From my own experience, a lot my married colleagues can't stop complaining.
"I can't rest on Saturday because I have to pick my children"
"It's really hard to find good school compatible to my daughter's achievement"
"I'm late, my son is sick"
Not to mention those spouses who keep calling every 1 hour? Wow, what a great marriage life. And that's all happen in my 8x10 m2 room. BPS explores that more number of family members relate to the decrease of married people's happiness.

Of course, single has ups and downs, too. Especially those who can't wait to get married or being questioned by the parents to get married (that's the dumbest reason to get ride to unhappiness, though). However, living in the city does add to elimination of the marriage question. People in the city are having broader view about other's life as they've seen variation of living style.

Another variable of happiness is education level. 
Every year, hundreds of blue workers demonstrate in front of my office, causing traffic jam out there. Most of them have been working for years without enough income. The problem is that they're also uneducated. BPS publication publicized on January 2015 pointed that most of blue collar workers are only elementary school graduated (47,07%). This results to lack of skill, which is related to low paid. In reality, they keep protesting, but not advancing the skill. That would be meaningless. Payroll system has domino effect. If the low-educated workers get a rise, the level above them will eventually rising, too. This will bring more inflation and the one who'll suffer the most is the blue worker because they'd found everything becomes more expensive. So, it's not the solution.
And so, the higher education people get, the better job they can apply and the greater salary they'll receive.

Now I know the statistical reason why I am happy. XD

check the publication here (in Bahasa Indonesia)