I just found out that my colleague is hospitalized due to stomache problem. Her stomach has turn so big that she looks like 8-months pregnant. This condition causing respiration problem because the stomach push the lung. It's suffocated, she said to a friend. So, she went to hospital yesterday and they've been doing various tests. I hope it's nothing.
This stomach matter reminds me my old friend, Di. Her liver failed to absorb protein, which cause lots of residual staying in her stomach. 

She was only 20, with bright future ahead. He stomach grew bigger and bigger, paralized her from moving around. I only had one chance to visit her when she was sick. I was studying in other island, so I could come everyday. My other circles said she looked better at that moment. Her stomach grew thinner and she could walk freely from one room to another. 

I never though that was the last time I saw her.

Few months after that, her condition suddenly became worst and they rushed to the hospital. She entered the operation room and never walked out. It was in the middle of the night and my circle called me before Subuh. I couldn't help sobbing while praying.

Now, even after 10 years....I never visit her grave. I don't think of her often, but when I do, it seems like somebody squeezes my heart and punches my eyes. There's nothing much I can remember about her. She was excellent student who always calm. She's diligent and her parents were really proud of her. I never saw her angry or even raising tone. She knew how to treat people. Summary, she's the opposite of me. XD

Who knows what achievement she would grab if she's still alive. But, God loves her more that she's called sooner than us.