10 hours for family

It’s 8.15 and I’m leaving MLN with Mom and cousin A. Mom has been a fan of train transportation, so we’re taking Commuter Line from Depok Baru Station to Serpong Station. It’s 3 provinces apart, but the train makes it short. It takes almost 1,5 hours to arrive at Serpong Station and we’re confused. There’s no taxi around!
I gathered some information from my friends yesterday. I asked any advice to get to Karawaci by public transportation. They all said it’s really far. I know, I won’t go there unless for something important like this. It’s like a totally different region. I remember coming there for a job interview. It took 4 hours by bus just to have 30 minutes conversation. It’s hot and dirty. What a traumatic area.
But, here I am, being the sweetest dutiful daughter. Standing in front of Serpong Station while my cousin asks direction from strangers. We decide to take city transportation (angkot) to the center of city so that we can stop a taxi. The road from the station is narrow, just like most roads in Bandung. Small houses around bushes are along the route.
However, after 15 minutes, the scenery changes. What appears to me is like they presented on tv: sophisticate city, BSD. The roads are clean and wide, with lots of tall buildings and malls here and there. We get taxi in front of a shopping centre and shocked when the driver says our destination is really far. I should’ve got used to that word now.
We almost missed the wedding venue, as the name written on the sign is not the name of that cousin I knew. I only remember his nickname. It’s so funny when I finally learn his first name is exactly what’s written on the sign. lol.
My father has so many relatives because his father had two wives. I rarely meet those brothers and sisters. They’re not even on my contact list. So, I put lots of smiling face in front of those strangers. Of course we don’t talk a lot, as well. They speak Minangkabau language and it takes a while to start my language engine. You see, I was raised in the city and in Indonesian speaking environment. Sometimes we even spin English in our everyday life. When I visited my parents’ hometown, I also speak Indonesian letting other people to adjust with me. Then, I went to Java to study. There hardly time to speak Minangkabau language. Not that I can’t. I just not used to.
The wedding lasts forever. I just sit watching people swarms the food section. That’s what I hate about wedding event. People seems like they had to eat everything, so they queue to take plate. It’s not cool. It’s like national rice distribution for poor. ooooh.
The photo session is the worst. As my father’s family consists of so many people, the wedding organizer fails to arrange enough time to take their picture. While we’re posing on stage, other guests keep coming up to congratulate the bride and groom.
The bride is Sundanese, so some of the custom is performed in Sundanese, languange I don’t understand. But, I can’t fall asleep because the speaker is next to me. Geez.
When it finally over, we’re heading to nearest train station. My married cousin’s big brother drives us there, thank god. It's a long 10 hours when we got home.
What I learn from today is that family is something you have to work on. I think every relationship is like that. It’s not enough just being you. Sometimes you need to pull yourself in order to be with others. Family is cooperation.