I decide to use braces to fix my teeth. Office doctor had been suggesting it since two years ago, but I never really took it into consideration.  For these past years, we've talk so much that I grow trust on him. He's the kind of dentist who keeps talking while the patient can't talk. lol. So, when I accompany kk last week, he persuaded me once again and I said yes.

The surprising part comes later. He needs to pull out two teeth. Oh no! I was annoyed because the teeth were okay. Normally, people only let their broken teeth go, right? I was hesitate.
I told the dentist I need time to think about it. 2 hours, to be precise. That's not long time, ha? But, I just had to clear my mind.

There are things you have to let go to gain something. In this case: the two teeth. I could've refuse and stay like this forever. But, there's a spark inside me that say I have to take chance or nothing will change. And I don't like it. I feel so stupid to choose stagnant comfortable way. This is not life. Life is about taking chance and the chance is coming now.