What’s in TB Silalahi Center?
In the first museum, we can see various of clothes, arms, and other personal collection of Mr. TB Silalahi. Mr. Silalahi was once an Indonesian general and minister. His museum reveals his history from a shepherd because he came from poor family. He’s currently retired and becomes movie producer. I know, living people don’t usually have specific museum in honoring their names. XD But, this museum is made to motivate young people to strive hard like him, so we can have successful life.
Next to the building also a Batak Museum, exhibits artifacts classified in 4 themes (1) architecture; (2) literacy and literature; (3) works of art; (4) religious and traditional ceremonies; and (5) daily equipment. Batak songs are played through megaphone endlessly. This museum is big and have facilities for people with disability.
Behind the museum was build a complex of Batak houses. They call it Huta. Some people in Samosir still have the similar houses, but most citizens already switch into modern house. The traditional houses have large hall where family can gather.
Then, if you take a look the right side of huta, you have Toba Lake view calming. People used to plant paddy around, but when I visited the rice-bed is now large field with chess statues.
You can also take a rest in cafeteria next to souvenir shop. They serve Batak’s coffee.