don't assume they know as much as you do

It's a peaceful Saturday morning when we heard cat sound. I don't have any cat, so it must be some stray cat around the neighborhood. Mom and I try to figure out the source and to our surprise: there's a young cat on the back roof. He must have hopped through the fence-probably from the neighbors, then land on my lower roof. My backyard is fully surrounded by tall wall to prevent thief. It seems that one may get it, but can't climb out.
This is not the first time a cat trapped in my backyard. Once there was a bigger cat noisily meowing when I open my back door. I open my side door and close every door inside the house to lead him out. He was furious and panic, run hastily to the door.
But, this one is a teenager in the cat world. You know a teen, they have rebellious drive making them hard to communicate with. I've been trying to meow him in every tone but he hides behind the lemongrass plants. Not even interested in anything I say. I even try to lure him with fried fish. No, he was stubborn.

It must be a terrible feeling to be trapped in a place we're not familiar with. It's like facing new problems. Experience does make difference when stumbling upon a dilemma. Older people seem to find it easy to sneak out of trouble, simply because they have been through the same thing before.
But, it doesn't mean younger people will surely be lost. I believe in the power of thinking flexibility. It's one of the dimensions in psychogram rendered from psychotest. Flexibility closely related to IQ and it leads to creativity. The ability enables us to think of an alternative solution for our problem.

I mentioned a programme used for building a website like that. Also tipped that he can turn his powerpoint presentation into a movie file, at the cost of large size. Or, he can put a soft subtitle on his video. There are a lot of simple ways even though you're not a movie editor. He looked at me with expression, "geez I thought I would impress her".