The challenge for humanity
The covid-19 pandemic is scary. There are already 27 suspect cases of covid-19 in Indonesia till yesterday. 116.399 cases found worldwide with 4.091 deaths and 64.647 recovered. I’ve been temperature checked twice for this week before entering office. It’s horrible.
This plague hurt not only human, but also our way of life. Tourist industry, including airplanes and hotels are running out of guests. The rise of staple food’s price is starting. People have been panicky rushing to supermarket and pharmacy to buy hand sanitizer and masks.

Covid-19 patient can transmit the virus to 4 people. The most vulnerable people are elderly and people above 40 years old. While people think they can protect themselves with mask, the spread should be stopped from the bearer, right? The one with virus can prevent contaging other people by covering his/her mouth (with mask). Because covid-19 virus is spread through droplets. Droplet is larger aerosol particles sized more than5 microns. It can fly to radius 90 cm. So everyone 1 meter away from covid-19 sufferer should be fine, said dr. Silvana Sartika MKK from Prodia Lab yesterday.
I see some people choose to fly to infected countries because the tickets are cheap now. But, do they realize this virus is not stopping at them. If they’re infected and returns to their home, they might transfer it to other people. It’s not like HIV where you can stop it in you by not having sex with other people.
So, it’s really a matter of humanity here. One can be strong enough to fight the virus, but he/she can spread it to other people. This is the battle we all need to participate. Whether in preventing the plague or making sure other people is also healthy and got enough food.