is it all coming from libido?

Yes past researched notice that women are less competitive than men, because of the domestic roles that women have traditionally played, and the patriarchal social order (Kesebir, 2019)

Do you know what is sadder? Women being stabbed by other women. In the past, men were blocking women from touching the top. Yeah, you call it the glass ceiling. They still do, but the gap between women and education has been narrowing. Men can do less because women are often giving better results on paper.

I realized that the people who spoke so were apparently not very happy with their marriages: tiring children, dominating husbands, piling up homework, losing their identity as individuals. The signs are clear. If you are not satisfied with your own life, you start to pry into the lives of others.

So, it's true what Lyn Margolies wrote in Psych Central: women often rely on the approval of others to feel good about themselves. These hyenas are encouraging singles to get married to convince themselves that their choice to get married is right. Feel sorry for them, because Professor of behavioral science at the London School of Economics, Paul Nolan said marriage and children do not – despite several millennia of literature claiming otherwise – give women the sought-after happy ending. In fact, they put them at “higher risk of physical and mental conditions than their single counterparts”. Still, if they choose the right man, the threat could be eliminated. I agree with Hayley Freemanwhen she writes the happiness gaps between married and singles should not lies on the wives only, but also the husband. Most unhappy wives are made by the behavior of their husbands: they were hoping to marry a partner not another child.
So, although I'm mad of these wives comments, I's feel sadness and pity for them. They were hoping a life of happily ever after like in Cinderella movie, but end up having a cinder life. I really hope these wives can make peace with their lives. Or they're gonna need a talk with a psychologist (with their husbands).
Freeman, H. (2019). Women, being married needn’t make you unhappy – if you choose the right man. Retrieved on March 10, 2020,
Kesebir, S. (2019). Research: How Women and Men View Competition Differently. Retrieved on March 10, 2020,
Margolies, L. (2018). Competition Among Women: Myth and Reality. Psych Central. Retrieved onMarch 10, 2020, from