We have been in self quarantined for almost 4 weeks. If there are things clearer to me during this time alone, they are:
  1. I love being at home (when the fridge is full)
  2. I am privileged for being able to stay home, to got delivery, to have internet, to have house to take care of
  3. I am glad I live alone, so I will not infected anyone in the family
  4. I do not have to make excuses to skip going out or meeting with people
  5. I salute housewives. There are so many things you can do at home. Things get dirty easily and I have to clean it. And I am not even that hygiene. If these are the things housewives do everyday, they are superheroes. I wonder how many husbands help with house chores during quarantine.
  6. I have a lot of books. Half of them are black covered.
  7. Even if i dont have to go anywhere, I dont want to open the front door and weeding the front yard.
  8. My housing complex is now sealed, no outsider can get inside. I can go out without locking the door.
  9. Lots of laundrying, but less ironing because I dont need formal attire.