There's a pile of used tissue around me since I can't stop sneezing since yesterday. I kinda hope Tom Hanks would appear in front of my door like in "You've got mail." haha. However, it won't, right. Reality is not like any movie, no matter how hard you try to make it dramatic. We are want to feel special, that's why we think our story as the most interesting one. Isn't that the reason people spurt their feeling and thought in social media? They post about how hard their lives are. They twit about new position, work, gadget and another simple thing people call pleasure. As human, we want to feel like connecting to the world. As human we want to feel like we're one of them. We share.
Talking about how people wants to be connected, I learn that some people want to be responded publicly. It regards the mailing list activities that sometimes upset me. I have been receiving junks reply saying "Thank you fyi", or "Ok" from mailing list members just to respond an information. In my opinion, it's better to "reply to sender" when you're just saying something that simple. It's annoying for them with push emails to have their phones beeps again and again just to look at 3 words.
Funny this reminds me of a story in Detective Fengshui where Wong goes to India to solves a murder case of a spammer. Lots of people claim to be culprit because they hate this spammer. The guy had been sending spam which is wasting people's time to open what really important in their inbox. Wasting time means more cost for internet.
It looks that way to me. Spamming steals my time. I found an article called "101 Mailing List" just to proof that people out there thinking the same: spamming email is out of manner.
Still, I need to realize that these spamming things happen for reasons, like:
1. Lack of ability to deal with computer and internet thing. Probably those who can not find the button "Reply to sender" and just hurriedly push "reply to all"
Well, most of them are old fellows. What can I say.
2. Conditioning.
Some people do require public reply just to let other people know they're doing good.
I hate to accept it, but I find some seniors counting the number of "thank you" they got after sending an email *WTH? It's not IDWS* They create such environment
Since changing people is hard, I let myself struggle of changing my own self. Seriously, when a senior said, "I don't want to be the slave of technology," it slaps me in the face. She's right. Despite of that sentence comes from someone who doesn't even know how to erase "comments" from Microsoft words' file, I agree. I'm supposed to be the one who rule these gadgets. I'm supposed to be the one who's happy having these tools. I know. Thank you for your reminder, senior.
At the end, we're the one who can choose to react. I think I was kinda being Drama Queen about spamming emails. Probably the other member of the mailing list don't feel that way. Still, I believe that each information affects people. Since we're changing their lives with that little info, why not making theirs better by giving positive input. A good information is a value-added one. Nah, simply saying, "thank you for your information" doesn't count, right?