I just found out my silver ring is broken. Wow? I never had ring broken before. Not that I believe in superstitious (is there any meaning behind this?). Moreover, this is not someone’s present anyway, I bought it myself in Bali 2 years ago. Kinda sad because it was pretty expensive.

This reminds me that I bought my mom a pair of silver ring-bracelet, too. They were pretty and really good. I think Mom knows that they were expensive that she doesn’t use them often.
But, my ring is the only jewelry i use. it has been accompanying me for the last 2 years, somehow i feel sad.

The rain is pouring hard outside and I put ISSAxSoulja + Rola’s song on iTunes. GloomyRight behind the window, the traffic is packed. It's Saturday and everyone doesn't seem to stay home. Despite of the heavy rain, the mall is packed. Even I decide to go out. I'm sitting in Dunkin Donuts for a cup of camomile tea. 

The script I deal with today is somehow troublesome. I know it's my mistake to ask the author 3 days before deadline, but considering her last-minute nature, I think it's best. However, the result is far from I expected. Well, I didn't expect much actually. But, even though I didn't give a hope, she lets me down.

Now, I was wondering if I need to highlight all the mistake she made just to make sure she gets new knowledge. You see, she's an editor for another magazine. I feel bad if she doesn't even know the mistakes she made and thinks it's best when editing other's script. The problem is how to deliver the message without her feeling humiliated. Nah, 

I saw Flower Boy Next Door last night and the main protagonist is an editor. Frankly speaking, she's a very serious editor, unlike me. I think I don't do much seriousness like she is. I can't even stay up late at night for editing books. No thank you. She uses lots of reference when checking someone's writing and I really need to look up for her.