Mom returned to Padang yesterday and she said she didn't want to leave this house. It seems like she's falling in love with this place. It's smaller than our house in Padang, so she had fun making it up.

I spent weekend in the little nest. It feels great to sleep surrounded by 4 pillows. Haha. I think this comfort drove me to watch that damn-beautiful-yet-so-BL anime, Free, till 8th episode. Ugh.
The sleeping part was good, but the cooking session is so much better. I need to polish my skill here. There are so many things I want to cook. Though, I haven't cook for loooooong.
Okay, this first cooking is not for Minang people. I spilled sugar in my spice and make it taste like my Surabaya's style.Oh, how I miss that old times.
Aww, look how time passes when you had fun. It's almost 12pm and my time to return to my flat is drawing near. Aaaah, I don't want to leave little nest. I love being here. *cry*