Without any prior planning, we head to cut the crab this afternoon. The place is small and it smells of fish. haha. Even so, it's cozy. We take the corner seat and let Kakak to pick the menu. Seriously, I had no idea what we'll have for the lunch.

A few minutes after the waiter gets the the meal list, he comes with a big paper meal and coats the table with it. The drinks come after that, but with different prescription. I asked for sweet lemon water, but my drink is so sour. Lina wanted hot tea, but the water is no where heated. The two seniors don't complain much, sassuga seniors. haha.
It also serves wifi connection. When Kakak asks the password to the waiter, he sounds like, "seapud loper" (read it in Indonesian pronunciation, kay?). We freeze for few seconds. Kakak, then, follows, "is it with "f" or "p"?" hwhhahahahhahahhahahahha. *I think I'm going to faint for having too much laugh*
To my surprise, the waiter brings 3 plastic bags of crabs. Without plates or bowls, he pours the crabs in front of us! O.o. So, how am I going to look princess-like if I must defeat this kind of serving?!
Still, we grab it one by one. The sauce is not bad. But, it needs extra skill to crack the crabs. We let Mas Budi to break it with hammer. haha. He seems enjoying it, while we just wait for him to distribute the cracked seafood.