My friend,
being fangirl is just like a believer. Some are so devoting, doing everything they're told, even when the things are not compulsory, like wearing burqa in Indonesia (please). Some don't even care about ritual and let people see their bodies freely.
I find myself being choosy fangirl. I like the idols, I spend time searching about them in internet, I watch their videos and listen to their sounds. But, I don't waste my money on physical stuffs like CD or DVD. Nor I buy merchandise like t-shirt, tee, or anything they can even think.

I find myself being choosy fangirl. I like the idols, I spend time searching about them in internet, I watch their videos and listen to their sounds. But, I don't waste my money on physical stuffs like CD or DVD. Nor I buy merchandise like t-shirt, tee, or anything they can even think.