Apparently today is the international happiness day. United Nation even makes the official web to celebrate this. They have this little survey asking our priority: money&stuff vs happiness & wellbeing. Of course, most people choose the latter option. But, I think I need to explore this. Having money and stuff also makes me happy. Compared with not having anything, I'd rather have enough money to spend. Do you have any idea how it feels when the bill is coming, but the account is empty? It feels terrible. I wouldn't be happy, right?
So, I think happiness and wellbeing are somehow made by money and stuff. Remember the quotes in the fandom, "I need a boyfriend who can take me to a concert. or a concert ticket, because it's basically the same thing." To be able to go to the concert is happiness for a fan and it takes money, right?
On the other hand, there are things we want to trade with everything but money. To have good companion of family you don't pay, but you have to give them your time. When you can sleep lazily all weekend when you were single, you need to take the kids to the zoo now or just playing with them at home or just making them meals 3 times a day with two snacks time. 
You can't buy real friend who'll be there when you need help even though you say,"I'm fine". You can buy them food, but it doesn't mean that they'll come anytime you call when you're low. Even when I'm being good to someone, hoping her to be my real one, she might not be my real friend. 

My secret of happiness is simple. Just like Oreki said:

I've seen lots of people complaining in social media about their ugly job, family, school, or anything. They seem like having no choice but to do that lame life. While they're fighting, they hurt themselves by hating the thing they do. I don't know how people live their life, but for me happiness is a choice. We choose to be happy. If you don't like your job, quit. If you don't want to go to school, skip. If you hate your spouse, divorce. Why would you turn your life into hell when the sun is always coming the next day?

Last, let's be happy today *\^0^/*