My Second Blood Donation
So, she moved the needle inside my skin and it hurt. Not that it bothers me. I remember when I got hospitalized for blood fever and the nurse could not insert the right needle for my infusion. Blood was everywhere when she tried to fix it.
Okay, back to my donation. After two minutes, my medic decided that she needed help and asked her colleague to fix it. The colleague suggested to suck me from another arm. Great. So, I move to the next bed, giving anxiety to the whole long queue in front of me. They'd think I take too much time. Well, not really. As the new medic inserted the needle to my right arm, the blood flew smoothly. It only takes 7 minutes to fill the 250 cc bag. Thank God. I could've done sooner if I drank much water. The medic said it'll make blood fluid so it comes faster. Noted. Next time I should bring my own drink.
She also mentioned the reason why my left arm's vessel didn't work. It could be nervous *me? nervous of getting injection. You gotta be kidding* Or it lost inside my fat. hahahha. Well then, I won't blame my fat because back then when I was in college I couldn't participate in blood donation for lack of weight. Now that I finally overcome that, I have no reason
And here I am with both arms look like a junky. My right arm is fine, but the left one looks miserable with blue swollen part. I can't give you the picture of my arm, of course, but I can share you the jelly given to mend the pain. Never heard this before. But, it works. I've been coated my swollen arm with it for two times already and the sting pain has fade away.