Kk asked me what would I do on this long weekend, "are you going to a museum?" XD. No, actually I'm staying home because I called my handyman to fix my roof. It's been rotten since the beginning of rainy season, but I often forgot to ask for help.

You see, it won't repaired by itself unless I'm the one who take the initiative, right? That's the courtesy of living alone. Everything will start to change by my command. Whaaaa, I kinda feel so powerful right now. XD
Anyway, these handymen came right when I asked: morning (meaning 9 o'clock). They're polite and one was the one who built the back wall. He keeps asking how's my mother's doing (Mum was here when he fixed another part of the house). Nice man.
He had my roof painted and I ask him to paint the area around it. I spot some blackish causing by rain. He also installs my back yard's lamp. It's been dark for years and I kinda get used to the darkness. 
When he finishes the main job, he suggests covering my kitchen door with the remaining triplex he bought for the roof. I know, my door is rotten. I've been thinking to replace it with the aluminium door. It's just transforming ideas into reality sometimes is not easy. Especially when none push you to do it. haha