Here I am in the land of Sumba. The landscape is full of hills and the road is like a never ending “kelok ampek ampek” (44 flexures). I managed to travel from Western Sumba toward East Sumba yesterday. The travel takes 4 hours driving, meaning 3 times of nap but you’re still in the middle of the forest. XD. Of course, my group needed to take few breaks. The weather was warm, but inside the car was cold due to low temperature AC. 

It was about 25 km from the city of East Sumba that we stopped for a cup of coffee. I tried Sumba Coffee two days ago and it’s as black as the night in Jakarta (because the night here is so beautiful with stars all over it). It gave heavy burden to my stomach, so I stopped. I still prefer sanger (Aceh’s coffee milk).

While everyone sit drinking coffee, I climb the hills across the street. The path is narrow harsh rocks with pointed shape here and there. I feel so lucky to wear sneakers. It’s only a 3 meter tall, but I almost lose my breath when I finally see the most beautiful savanna up there. Thousands of hill covering the air as if they’re reaching the clouds. The wind blows my head warm and comfy. It’s beautiful. 
Never imagine that I would experience such a stunning view. The world is so big, yet we're so small. God is so Al Mighty.