I'm so in love with The Rampage's FIND A WAY. Even though I haven't found motivation to watch the installation of High & Low, but I got the copy of official soundtrack yesterday. After crying (in joy) over The Second's One Time One Life and Sandaime's Mugen Road, I try The Rampage's song. The group has not even debuted yet, but judging from this piece, they're promising. I hope this song becomes their basic standard when releasing music in the future.
Anyway, the lyric is so powerful. Kinda remind me Sandaime's earlier years, when they used "fight" and "warrior" words a lot. XD. In this new piece case, I especially focus my attention to the part:
kono machi ga MY BATTLE FIELD
hajimari no toki chikadzui teru

The more I listen to it, the more I find it relatable to my reality. I've been leaving home for almost 15 years. I move to bigger cities and each one is so good that I take them as my second/third home. I've been living in this current city for 8 years and I know I'm going to spend more time here due to my work. 

It's not easy to enter another place which has its own culture and way of life. Some are really new, so I took time to observe (but end up picking only few suitable customs to practice. I'm not good with conformity, remember?).

Every day people like me are facing new challenges, new people, local wisdom you thought you knew but they keep looking at you as the outsiders. It's a battle for sure. It's not like you can come home to your mother's hug. No, I can't and I won't. 

Not only the culture and people, the way people interact with machine and environment are different from my hometown. Back there every day is leisure day. But, here in the Capital, you can't take snail speed. It's not because you're too busy, but also because you'll end up become burden to other people if you take your time too lazy. You have to push yourself to the limit.

People in small town or village might think that city people are such a gold digger for going out before sunrise and coming home almost midnight. IT's not that we're ambitious. It's just the battle we need to conquer. Those who can't deal with traffic jam, sleeping in the bus on the way to office, having to check security camera at home, reliying on maid to take care of little ones, might not suitable living in the capital. 

Well, nobody can fight it if they're not learning to adapt, right? In order to survive, you need some tricks on your sleeves. I think I'm a good fighter here. On the contrary, I'm not good enough to survive in the small city. I might not able to deal with the slow paced system right away. I can't even take it easy when on vacation (yeah, the problem is in me). lol.