It's 9.25 and I'm sitting in front of the Commission X' meeting room. As planned, I will join the meeting with the government (read: Education and Culture Ministry officers) to discuss our running legislation work. Yeah, that Book Act draft, the material which hasn't been completed for almost 4 periods of The House's. Shame on us, for sure.
We managed to get to Building E of the Education and Culture Ministry right on 10 am as scheduled. Well, it's just a block away (and I'm familiar with the area because I'm regularly visiting the nearby malls. haha).

The officers are waiting for us neatly. Although they look skeptical. Probably they're annoyed that we (expert assistance team of the House) keep digging rationale of their submitted draft. I must say, some of their drafts are ridiculous. But, we won't get a bigger and better picture by avoiding discussion, right? It's just the similar analogy that people easily judge people they never spoke too.

It takes 1 hour to inquire what exactly they wanted for this draft. Despite that The House want to fully take sides with citizens, we need to understand Government's competency. There are things we want but they can't do it. And there are things they can do it, but they had no idea that they can. I know we were just there to listen, but I can't help giving an opinion, straightening up their misperception. The Government can do so much better actually.

The officers keep telling us to relax and that this is not formal meeting (because we're not bringing Member of Parliament/MP). But, I think we're just used to focus so we might look deadly serious. I know everyone's head is all above the clouds, thinking of vacation. Even the officer start talking about his last trip to his hometown.

Oooh, everybody is on vacation mode. But, it doesn't mean we can neglect the work, right? I think this is where our professionalism tested. It's one of the core competency in my office.