I'm so used to be alone that I become sensitive over noise. The only sounds I want to hear come from my mouth and mashin chaser. Making conversation after a tiring journey just add to my fatigue. According to livestrong , a young man of 18 years and 150 lbs. will burn 57 calories per hour of talking, while an older gentleman of 80 years of the same height and weight will burn 43 calories for the same amount of talking. Talking requires energy.

I always thought that I like to speak. But, it's only in social setting, like in office where I have to communicate to create friendly environment.

On the contrary, MLN is my sanctuary where no noise should sneak. Silence is an SOP, therefore I choose to have it empty. Having other people 'attack' my territory. Not only literary, but also psychologically. The other person will judge what I have and how I live, in anyway. I don't like it. What's the point of owning your own house if you have to be despised by other people's judgement. MLN should be a place where I can be free.

I realize this kind of insecurity only happen in my private area. I don't care what people think about me when I'm in office or mall. I'm awesome and they should be focusing on something else. But, in my place? It feels like arrow stabbing close and heavy. So, if you wondering why I never invited you to come? Nah, it doesn't mean I hate you (I might, but I won't say it. haha). More likely, I'd be happy to meet in a neutral place.