It’s hitting me again. I feel pain from all over my bones and. The dizziness keeps hauling. It’s the time of the year to take fever drug and fall asleep. I don’t get sick often. Just once a year and it usually happens when I’m alone on my holiday. Giving me enough time to really cuddling my pillows. 
I saw this coming on previous week. The rain has been drastic and there were few days when I got home drenched (just me, not my bag because it’s waterproved). I should’ve eat better. Last Friday I got chill and found my body shaking because of posponed lunch. That was the time when my friend offered to order delivery food. She messages us at 10 and we responded immediately. However, she didn’t place the order until 11. Whuah. It’s really past my lunch time. I had her count me on because she was so assured the delively only take 30 minutes. OMG. It felt so long. I then decided to walk to cafetaria to revive. It was great decision because the delivery just arrived at 12. I would’ve died, then. Sometimes your friend is just too slow.
This really encourage my idea of providing for myself. It’s not good to rely on other people. In my case, I might turn blaming her for the lateness. It’s not her fault the delivery came slow. But, we could’ve prevent it by ordering at 10.15. Haha. But, that’s okay. That’s my friend. I love her (and them) with all their weaknesses (because they can stand me. XD).

And you think I can sleep after the paracetamol kicked in? Not really. I tried to close my eyes, rest my head on the new sheet, but I couldn’t sleep long. I’m actually waiting for handy man to fix my stove and veggie guy. Hahaha. This time I dug it myself. Never thought my head would be very heavy when I placed the order, right?

Anyway,  thie turn to be a long post. Let’s make it short:
1. The handy man fix my stove  which apparently only running out of  battery. He also offer me annual membership which is cheaper than single call on. I’m saving more money here.
2. Theveggie guy comes faster than I though. I’m enjoying the banana now.
3. Didn’t expected J&T sent my MakeOver Primer. Yay. It’s time to practice some make up.

Okay, I’m going to end this by  sending prayer to everyone out there. I hope you stay away from influenza. It’s a horrible weather outside, keep yourself warm.