There are three kinds of people I don’t need to respect.
PSYCHOLOGY OF QUEUING – WHAT ARE CUSTOMERS THINKING ABOUT WHILST QUEUING? , retrieved from https://www.tensator.com/psychology-of-queuing/
First, smoker on public area. Smoking is a right, but if your right violate mine then I won’t take you as equal anymore. The smoke is more dangerous for me as passive smoker than to the smoker himself. Thus, smoker is doing an aggressive act toward me.

Second, those who are littering.
There are so many informations, commercials, and appeal on public area, yet there are always people who illiterate and left their trashes everywhere. Is it because we have janitor? Is it because they can’t find trash bin? Well, i do hope throwing you guys to the bin.
Third, queue grabber.
We all are want to be served first, to get in earlier, to be the number one. However, when everyone serve the same effort, should one be prioritized? That’s not fair, right? Still, not many of us can confront the queue jumper. As reported by Tensator, “2 out of 3 people won’t confront a queue jumper directly, preferring instead to complain loudly to other people nearby, ignore them, or tut loudly.” Unfairness creates anxiety and we don’t like it. Let’s be honest, I’ve been a bystander, too, if I’m not in hurry. But, I usually showing the jumper where to line, or reprimand the cashier or waitress that I’ve been waiting longer. At certain point, I will cancel whatever it needed queuing to make the point. Queue jumper might not smart enough, might never been to outside of their village, but the shop/activity staff should know and run by the ethic. So, if there’s a queue jumper, the staf should warn that trash, too.
We all are want to be served first, to get in earlier, to be the number one. However, when everyone serve the same effort, should one be prioritized? That’s not fair, right? Still, not many of us can confront the queue jumper. As reported by Tensator, “2 out of 3 people won’t confront a queue jumper directly, preferring instead to complain loudly to other people nearby, ignore them, or tut loudly.” Unfairness creates anxiety and we don’t like it. Let’s be honest, I’ve been a bystander, too, if I’m not in hurry. But, I usually showing the jumper where to line, or reprimand the cashier or waitress that I’ve been waiting longer. At certain point, I will cancel whatever it needed queuing to make the point. Queue jumper might not smart enough, might never been to outside of their village, but the shop/activity staff should know and run by the ethic. So, if there’s a queue jumper, the staf should warn that trash, too.
PSYCHOLOGY OF QUEUING – WHAT ARE CUSTOMERS THINKING ABOUT WHILST QUEUING? , retrieved from https://www.tensator.com/psychology-of-queuing/