Tell me what’s wrong with society today? It seems like they can’t make up their minds. Girls should not go out at dark, yet they ask me whether I would join office iftar next week. The one holding the feast is a city away from home, so I’d be home at night. They ask whether I could join and I answered, “It’s not that I can’t, I just don’t want to.”

I don’t like going out at dark unless I have to (for work). Working late is responsibility I have to bear when taking the job. I’ve been coming home at midnight for attending a meeting. But, it’s working. When it comes to social life, I prefer being at home. And when it comes to mingling with office colleagues, we better limit interaction on office hours, people. 

People used to against girl going out. They even force girl to stay inside, called “dipingit”. But, nowadays when you’re not going out you’re labeled antisocial. When you refuse to join gathering, you’re called arrogant.

Going out at night is not safe, for both girl and boy. But, the girl faces a bigger threat because she’s considered weak and easy to bully. Going out at night doesn’t approve anything, but it does bring anxiety for me. Why bother taking the risk we could avoid? 

What’s wrong with you people?