Working is a complex feeling. You mingle with people from different background, most of them are married and have kids. They try to excuse from work to show how much they care about their family. Others say they’re old and unhealthy just to escape doing the job. Make me wondering what are you here for? Aren’t you here for work? Why not doing the job you’re paid for?

Criticizing their conditions would result me being blamed as cold person, even an unempathic. Using family as excuse for once or two times are acceptable, but you can’t deny there are people who find this loopholes and using other’s empathies to escape from work responsibility.
Work never comes without sacrifice. We have to give something in order to gain another thing. Even for me, the single. I know most people with kids feel privilege, that they have to put their family first. It’s okay, as long as you finish the job first, or you manage to finish your job at home, or whatever that doesn’t require other people covering for your inability. If it needs to be done today, then finish it even if you have to sacrifice your sleep time or you have to work from home. It’s your choice to have family, after all. Are you expecting us the single would help you doing your work just because we have no other mouth to feed? You’re so under illusion.

I feel this similar to when you put your baggage to baggage drop in the airport because you don’t want to carry your stuff around the gate. Then, there’s this old woman pulling her heavy bag just because she doesn’t want to be separated with her things. And she expect young people to help her carrying the bag. Why are you purposely making it hard for other people, while the airplane serve baggage service? Be responsible of what you’re carrying. Don’t bring more than you can take, that’s my motto.
I myself sacrifice my alone time to work. For someone who choose to not being accompanied by other people, it’s a big thing. You have no idea how much I want to go home and feeling safe in my cage.
Working with friends is also challenging, especially when your friend is the one trying to escape the task. You need skill to talk to her while stay being nice. But, being nice to your friend doesn’t mean you can let her do her own way. Being nice means helping her going through her slacking till she realizes her responsibility. Can’t be cruel to her, because I still need to have lunch companion, right?
I myself sacrifice my alone time to work. For someone who choose to not being accompanied by other people, it’s a big thing. You have no idea how much I want to go home and feeling safe in my cage.
Working with friends is also challenging, especially when your friend is the one trying to escape the task. You need skill to talk to her while stay being nice. But, being nice to your friend doesn’t mean you can let her do her own way. Being nice means helping her going through her slacking till she realizes her responsibility. Can’t be cruel to her, because I still need to have lunch companion, right?