Now that I bought new water pump, it's time for cooking. Called Cooking Master Mom, ehm I mean my mom, this morning. She could've give me some inspiration of what to cook today. However, she turned to talk 1 and half hours and the only thing about food she mentioned was make it spicy. Great.

I really hope cooking skills are inherited in DNA, because my mom is a great cook. I'm hoping to have at least 30% of her skills. Well, they're also coming along with practices, right?
So I just need to come to MLN every week and practice my cooking.

A little thing about talking on the phone. I obviously can't stop people from talking too much to me. Seriously. Whether they know I'm a psychologist or not, some people just open their heart easily. And I have never feel burden. I know how to stop them when I can't listen. I'm never felt intimidated to listen to them. Probably because I'm trained to listen.