While reading my feed this afternoon, I learn the existance of an evil books called “To Train Up A Child” written by fundamentalist Christian’s preachers, Michael and Debi Pearl. The book has been sold for 1.7 million a year and numbers of kids dead after their parents follow its instructions keeps counting. The method they are suggesting here is physical actions to make children quiet and obedient.
screen shot of the book's review  "To train up a child"

I read about tragic death of Hana Williams who was adopted and tortured for 3 years before she died. Why did they took her in, then? The foster parents are already have their own children. Why?

Petitions rise after this last case, asking amazon to stop selling the book. It’s an evil book, they say.

I need to smirk reading those comments. Bad book and good book. Who’s right to decide? Is the book should take the blame here? Is the book hit the poor girl to dead? No. It’s not. It’s the stupid parents who think that what the book says is true.

I have never read the book myself, but I roamed into a series of bookreads complaints about this book. The content is illogical. Since the writers are not psychologist or professional child educators, it’s far from any parenting theories I was fed of when I was in colleague.

As adults we’re free to take any book. At least most of us. It wasn’t like this before. Here in Indonesia, we had an era when people could go to jail for writing a propaganda against government. But, now, everyone can say anything and take cover under The Freedom of Speech’s regulations.

If I need to blame someone, then i’ll blame the parents. The ones who can’t distinguish what’s good or bad. Probably they’re those with low IQ. Yeah, I bet they are, otherwise they won’t get caught. huh.
I begin to believe that violence is a root inside every human. We’re born with Id to survive, as Freud preached long ago. Our history has been filled with wars here and there, indicating that human needs to force their power into other human. Violence is the barbaric way to push that need.
Thanks to learning experience and education that a person turns into respectable human who fits local customs. It’s clear to me that these parents fail compromising the norm and that includes them into one of those with mental problem, right?