Okay, this is a little bit personal, but fandom related. I was searching Dantalian no Shoka last thursday. You know, it's an anime about book keeper. However, the  web I usually find it already took it down (because of DCMA), but it leaves few seo links. One of them is labeled "google", so I clicked it. I thought it'd lead me to google drive, but I find myself in lmgtfy page.

lmgtfy, my friend, Let Me GOOGLE That For You.
I find this very sarcastic because I'm more than capable of googling myself. But, I let it play. The longer it runs, the more reddish I become. It even showed a notice, "Was that so hard?'

I find this stunning because no matter how easy internet has made our lives, there are some of us who can't use it well. Some use it to chat or opening facebook, but is that all?

It's in analogy with what my late professor used to say. He spoke about camera phone which was a novel thing around my college days. Lots of my friends were so eager to get one. Then, my professor said, "what's the point of having such luxurious phone when you're not using it to the fullest? Are you going to take picture everyday?" *Okay, we didn't have instagram that time*

The internet keeps progressing, but most of us only using it to small parts of its function. How amazing that this technology has turn us into lazier and lazier. Everything is so easy lately, that people want to be fed instead of inquiring the information themselves.

Do you know the best example for my laziness? It's tumblr and twitter. Both sites affect me in similar way: overload information. I just signed to follow few accounts, but I get exploded news. It makes me somehow informed to the latest issue even though it was not my interest before. I don't even need to GOOGLE it!

I'm ashamed of my laziness to search even though it's just a minute away.
I'm ashamed that I haven't use my resources to use it in its optimum capacity.
I'm ashamed to keep asking before trying to search myself while I know the knowledge you search yourself lasts longer.