Unlike the Wednesday, today is extremely hot. Although the sky looks so beautiful-where clouds stack like ice cream-the weather is unbearable. If I could stop on the way home and took pictures of the golden sky, I  might feel better. haha

Under such amazing temperature, I remember watching Olympic no Minoshirokin Yeah, it's making the mood worse. This SP tells about 300 poor migrant workers who died in construction to prepare the 1964 Tokyo Olympic. They work 16 hours each day just to send some money to their poor family at home. When they can no longer tolerate the sober, they turn to philopon (check the story of japanese drug here). Slowly, the drug destroy them from inside.

This SP describes the reality of feudalism. I wonder how many Indonesian workers died during Japanese colonialization back then. If they can do it to their fellow japanese, they couldn't care less to another race, right? Still, I think the practice works in every culture where power is taking the crown. When the distance between the rich and the poor keeps getting further, this slavery can never end.

 People say that poor is caused by laziness. But, that's not always the case. Lately, when I passed a construction site in the morning, I found lots workers have already stand by with their coffee. They've start working before I even got out. They might leave house when I was still under my blanket. Are they lazy? I don't think so. So, there are people who work hard every day just to save some pennies and still can't get better life. It's the system that reject them from climbing to higher status. They can only hope that their next generation will pull them. Smart workers save money to send their children to school, to motivate them to be better and probably one day, they'd make it out from poverty.  

What an amazing world we're living in.