Babies grow stronger
I started new project last vacation. Along with Febby and Andy, we plant some veggies. The mannual said it's easy, but you can't trust it, right? Nothing easy when dealing with a living. The first week ran smooth because we were there to watch these seeds.

However, as soon as the vacation over, things get crazier. I couldn't water them every day and the weather was extremely hot. I got anxiety every night thinking they would never grow. So, when weekend comes, I came home in rush and water them every 3 hours. Seriously. It's really dry outside and I'm afraid they don't get enough water.
But, they survive. The new shoots greeted me and they looked cute. OMG

The next weekend, sky kept gloomy. Heavy rain poured almost everyday. This bring more threat to my babies. Too much water can turns them rotten. I'm not worrying the babies next to back ruin, because I put plastic shelter for them. But, those on the edge of lawn are endanger!!

Still, they grow stronger than I thought. It's weird when we always thought someone (or in this case, some things) is fragile, but actually not that way. Like these babies, each of us has potential power. We don't show it most of the times, when things are normal. But, the strenght can be awakened in emergency situation.