Since its first release in 2007, iPhone has been phenomenal. I stumble on a gadget influencer's reel who said: "Apple once you try you're bound forever". Once you use an apple, then you realize how it makes your life easier, you don't wanna change to another brand. However, having an iPhone is also a status statement. For some people, it shows their social strata. An iPhone is expensive, especially for middle lower-income countries like Indonesia. So, most people need to save before acquiring one.

According to Statistics Indonesia, in 2021 the average wage for every profession is Rp2.860.630. iPhone 13 128 Gb is sold at Rp  14.999.000 on iBox. It means one needs to work for 5,23 months/157 days (without any expenses) in order to buy an iPhone 13.

So, it's not wrong when someone thinks that buying an iPhone would boost their value. Once an ex-colleague mentioned how people using iPhones are a bit arrogant. I can't blame him. There's some kind of sensational feeling of using an iPhone. Even Sherlock Holmes uses an iPhone.  

How people use their money is really not my concern. What I'm quite annoyed with is when someone has an iPhone but is totally blind about technology. An iPhone (and apple for general) comes with the image of tech savvy. I expect people using iPhones at least IT literate.  Not the kind of "I can't find the button" or "I can't work in the cloud" or "How to print the pdf" people. It's really annoying. 

So, after careful observation, I agree some people use iPhones just to show off. They can't use the gadget to its maximum capacity. They're the people we always forgot to have an iPhone. They're what we labeled "nouveau riches". lol. 

Eventually, we can distinguish iPhone users as 2: those who just need to show off and those who really know how to use it. An easy way to differentiate both is by checking the environment. People who really make use of the gadget have an apple environment. They have MacBooks, iPad, iPod, apple watch, etc, which help to push the advantage of using an iPhone.

In the end, don't need to bully them. They will make friends and can only wow those on the same level. They don't impress apple heads, aren't they?